Thursday, 11th of March 2010 - QCon London 2010
The 54th BoF of the JAVAWUG (Java Web User Group London) is about to start. The stage has been taken by Peter Pilgrim (the founder and organised of the JAVAWUG) and three very important figures in the Java world who will discuss, debate and answer questions regarding the future of Java SE 7 and OpenJKD 7.
The panel next to Peter Pilgrim, consists of:
- Alex Buckley, who is Sun's Computational Theologist, responsible for maintaining the moral and technical integrity of the Java programming language. He collaborates widely with academics, compiler engineers, and expert developers to ensure that the Java Language Specification and Java Virtual Machine Specification are as complete and consistent as possible. He has a PhD in computer science from Imperial College London. Alex maintains a blog here.
- Stephen Colebourne, who leads JSR-310 Date and Time API, based on his previous work on Joda-Time and Joda-Money. He is a frequent contributor to debate on Java language change (FCM closures, Project Lambda, Project Coin) and the future on Java (exposing the current problems in the JCP to a wider audience). He currently works for OpenGamma, a startup developing software for the financial industry.
He maintains a blog here. - Patrick Curran, who is Chair of the JCP. In this role he oversees the activities of the JCP Program Office including driving the process, managing its membership, guiding specification leads and experts through the process, leading the Executive Committee meetings, and managing the web site. He has also participated actively in several consortia and communities including the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) (member of the W3C's Quality Assurance Working Group, co-chair of the W3C Quality Assurance Interest Group), and the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) (co-chair of the OASIS Test Assertions Guidelines Technical Committee). Patrick maintains a blog here.
The BoF lasted for an hour and a half. Alex and Stephen discussed mainly the new features of the OpenJDK 7 (an open-source implementation of the next major revision of the Java SE Platform). There is no certainty which of these features will eventually end up on the final release of JAVA SE 7. There is also no definite release date.
Also a discussion was made on closures, the modularity of the JDK 7 (The most promising way to improve the key metrics of download time, startup time, and memory footprint is to attack the root problem head-on as described by Mark Reinhold in his blog), and a small note on the support for multiple native languages (reference implementation for language implementers)
A complete list of the changes and bug fixes for the JDK 7 can be found here.
Patrick discussed the function of JCP, how the RFEs are handled how someone can contribute with new features to the Java language.
The whole discussion and especially the Q&A session during the end of the BoF were very interesting. I was also very glad that I got the chance to meet Peter in person and help him broadcast the whole BoF live using UStream.TV.
I am looking forward for the next BoF from the JAVAWUG on Scala Web Development, on the 24th of March 2010. More details on this event can be found here